Katy Perry tickets 07/30/2025

Purchase Katy Perry tickets for Centre Bell. Katy Perry tour schedule for Centre Bell in Montreal. Katy Perry playing in Montreal, Quebec.

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Katy Perry tickets Montreal

Katy Perry fans, Are you ready for Montreal? on Wednesday, July 30th 2025 as part of her tour Katy Perry will be playing at Centre Bell, QC. Score your Katy Perry tickets Montreal right here.

Katy Perry Centre Bell, QC concert

Centre Bell 1260 De La Gauchetiere Street, Montreal, QC, H3B 5E8
Purchasing cheapest Montreal Katy Perry 2024 tickets won't be easy as this performer's fans come from around US considering Montreal, and for the reason of of high demand tickets sell out quickly. Don't worry if Katy Perry Montreal tickets you found in other ticket markets are expensive because cheap tickets are secured as you arrived to ticketsmontreal.com.
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